Sensory Objects awarded AHRC grant for start up enterprise purpleSTARS

purpleSTARS LogopurpleSTARS is our new start up enterprise funded for one year by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) it is a follow on fund project. The Sensory Objects Enterprise 2017-2018 grant aims to create opportunities for artists and technologists with and without learning disabilities working as a team with museums. STARS stands for Sensory Technology Art Resource Specialists we choose the colour purple as the colour has started to refer to the Purple Pound, purple has come to represent people with a disability.

During 2017-18 purpleSTARS LogopurpleSTARS  advisory group will develop the enterprise by running a series of pilot projects. At the British MuseumpurpleSTARS LogopurpleSTARS  are working as part of the Wolfson Project Advisory Group, at the Museum of English Rural Life MERL in Reading, two purpleSTARS LogopurpleSTARS  will work with students from Reading College Learners with Learning Difficulties and Disabilities Dept, developing new sensory objects for the collection, and at the Ragged School Museum London purpleSTARS LogopurpleSTARS will be holding Sensory Expeditions for local SEN Schools.
purpleSTARS LogopurpleSTARS  are developing a new webpage and will launch later in 2018. Below is a picture from the front page of our new website currently under development.
























Image below shows the Easy Read programme for the first meeting of the purpleSTARS LogopurpleSTARS Advisory Group.

 STARS Tower Project 1update.doc

PurpleSTARS Advisory Group Session one Sept 1st
















Sensory Objects co-researchers from the Tower Project agreed to become our purpleSTARS LogopurpleSTARS Advisory Group they will help us form the Sensory Objects Enterprise alongside business advice from EVOLVE Strategic Marketing Consultant Louise Moger.purpleSTARS LogopurpleSTARS Advisory Group:

purpleSTARS LogoJudith Appiah

purpleSTARS LogoTim Elson

purpleSTARS LogoJustin Grimes

purpleSTARS LogoMichael Tapps

purpleSTARS LogoSam Walker

purpleSTARS LogoKelly Woods

The picture below shows the purpleSTARS LogopurpleSTARS Advisory Group during the first meeting at RIX research and media. The group tested a new self assembly  version of the Sensory Labels and discussed the objects and labels they had made for the British Museums Enlightenment Gallery in 2015.

Tim constructs a Sensory Label

Tim constructs a Sensory Label

Sensory Label pig

Testing Sensory Labels pig sound

Michael tests sensory label

Michael tests sensory label







Judith Kelly Justin test card

Judith Kelly Justin test the postcards


Advisory group with sensorycards

Advisory group with Sensory Postcards
























purpleSTARS LogopurpleSTARS Advisory Group also met Becca Doggwiler who is collecting Impact of the Sensory Object project. Becca asked the group to help her design ways of collecting feedback to show the Impact of the project. The picture below shows Becca discussing feedback with the group and an online form they could tell us what they thought of the day.

Becca discussing feedback

Becca discussing feedback with the group

Online feedback questionnaire

Online feedback questionnaire








The picture below shows the purpleSTARS LogopurpleSTARS Advisory Group SELFIE after the first session at RIX research & media.

Advisory Group selfie RIX 1st Sept

Advisory Group selfie RIX 1st Sept



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