Sensory Objects Present at the Diversity in Heritage Group Meeting 30.10.14

We presented our Sensory Objects research at the Diversity in Heritage Group Meeting held at the Cinema Museum, London, the picture below shows the agenda of the meeting.

 Agenda for Heritage and Diversity Meeting

Agenda for Heritage and Diversity Meeting

We co-presented our research with Judith and Tim representing the Tower Project with their support worker Bev, Kate and Nic also presented and Kassie filmed and helped with the hands on workshop part of the session. The picture below shows Tim and Judith preparing for the meeting with Bev and Kassie.

Judith and Tim prepare

Judith and Tim prepare

The pictures below show members of the Diversity in Heritage Meeting and Poppy who was leading the meeting.

Poppy and members of the H&D group

Poppy and members of the H&D group

Members of the Heritage and Diversity Group

Members of the Heritage and Diversity Group

Before the meeting we were given a tour of the Cinema Museum the picture below shows members of the meeting during the tour.

Tour Cinema Museum

Tour Cinema Museum

During Guided Tour of the Cinema Museum

During Guided Tour of the Cinema Museum

The picture below shows members of the sensory objects team presenting our research.

Presentation by Sensory Objects

Presentation by Sensory Objects

The video below has some edited highlights from our presentation



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