Tower Project at the RIX centre Session Thirteen 12.11.14

Below is the easy read programme for session thirteen.



We had a catch up meeting. We heard about the Tower Project creating and being on a float of the Lord Mayors Show, the picture below shows the group looking at BBC video footage of the event.

Group watch video of the Lord Mayors Show

Group watch video of the Lord Mayors Show

Then we discussed our our co-presentation at the Diversity in Heritage Meeting where Judith and Tim co-presented our research with Nic and Kate. The picture below shows the group looking at a Mercury Bulb on display in the Cinema Museum.

Talking about Cinema Museum

Talking about Cinema Museum

Then we looked at the co-researchers Wikis they had been very busy researching their chosen objects at the Enlightenment Gallery and adding to their Wiki in the Research Section. The pictures below shows some images of the Wiki research pages, Michael researched about the bowl he chose which he found it very difficult to find any information about. He imagined eating chicken and chips in the bowl. Julies research explained that she chose a stuffed Heron from the collection as it reminded her of the symbol for Tottenham Hotspur! The picture below shows Julies football shirt.discussing sensory ojects

Michaels bowl

Michaels bowl

Why Julie chose a Heron

Why Julie chose a Heron

Then we discussed developing the sensory labels further feeling the wood panels in the picture below.

feeling surface of sensory labels

feeling surface of sensory labels

Tim demoed his box the sound was triggered by tilting the box or by a touch sensor.

Tim demos his box

Tim demos his box

We discussed how everyone would like to trigger sounds. The picture below show Adjoa exploring how to trigger sound.

Hearing sound from the box

Hearing sound from the box

Adjoa tests box

Adjoa tests box

We also tried out some other smells

More smells to test

More smells to test

Nic and Kassie worked with Tim, Michael, Sam and Katy to research various types of triggers the pictures below show Tim and Michael at work and a close up of a set of triggers Nic had made to help discover and chose how things should trigger.

Finding out about Triggers

Finding out about Triggers

Switch test Box

Switch test Box

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