Below is the updated version of the easy read programme from Session 12. I have changed the dates at the end so the next session has the correct date when we will have our next session on the 12th November at the RIX.
This session we explored smells that we could use inside our sensory label boxes. Working from the list the co-researchers had made last week
here are ideas for smells so far Tim: Incense or some essential oil of Frankincense, Judith: Leather, Julie:Fish, Justin: Cheese and Onion Crisps and Beer, Michael; Chicken Stock Cube, this wasn’t quite right as Michael was imagining fried chicken, so we will try vinegar, Ryan: Flowers, Kelly: Aftershave, Katy: Hay and grass, Ashley: Oranges Debbie suggested Orange soap might be good, Adalana: Still not sure, we suggested perfume? Sam and Adjoa: Seaweed which we hope Noelle will bring from Brighten. We discussed ideas for containing the smells in a small containers with some kind of lid that would slide or lift off so the smell could be controlled otherwise all the smells together made a very strange smell mix. The salt fish was the most pongy!
After smell we listened to some of the sounds for the boxes, Julie showed her Heron Sensory Label with her own sound see video below.
Everyone did some more work on their Sensory Labels.
After lunch were started to take some photo of our co-researchers with artwork for their sensory labels. These images will be printed and put on one side of the wooden box. The video below shows Mark taking a group shot first.
After lunch and photos, the group met Poppy Szaybo who is Head of London Programmes, Diversity Heritage Group, and an Independent Consultant, Curator, Creative Practitioner. The group showed her their wiki site and this webpage to explain some of the research activities they have done as a co-researchers on the Sensory Objects Project.