Sensory Objects commissioned to create Interactive Farm Animal for MERL

We have been given a small grant by the University of Reading Arts Committee to create one of our ideas of an interactive farm animal generated by our work with Reading College Learners with learning difficulties and disabilities dept at MERL in 2014.

Buckets Baskets And Boots Flyer

Buckets Baskets And Boots Flyer

The proposal builds on Sensory Objects research to create an interactive farm animal experience ready for the opening of MERL in late 2016. The interactive experience (in the form of a full size interactive farm animal) will be created through a series of workshops at MERL run by Sensory Objects during 2016 in collaboration with students and Sensory Objects Co-reseaerchers. The workshops will explore the life of farm animals through all the senses employing stories, sound effects, and tactile materials to develop an interactive cow. The exhibit will encourage an inclusive accessible experience for visitors to MERL.

We propose to modify a cow bought from Jolly Roger model company by installing technology, which allows interaction for the visitor.

Resin Cow

Resin Cow

Some of our ideas for interaction include:

  • Stroking the cow will trigger sounds, smells and provide a tactile experience.
  • A recording mechanism in the animal’s ear so that when the audience squeezes the ear they will be able to leave a recording of their version of the animals sound.
  • Recorded sounds could be randomize and include audience created animal noises of moos etc and pre-recorded sounds.
  • Patting the back of the cow will trigger its tail to swish and activate a smell of Farmyard/Manure.
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